By C.P. Clements - Marysville Evening Democrat, January, 1916


  Five hundred cold Clampers stumbled out of the cars when the special train arrived in Oroville, Thursday night, but the welcome they received from 500 more Clampers waiting for them soon thawed them out. Oroville was there strong.  Only one citizen didn't turn out.  He had just been taken to the morgue.

  The Oroville boys band headed the parade.  The members of Oroville Lodge No. 2 followed.  Then came the official Clampers band, the only one in existence, followed by the officers and the Marysville Clampers.  Grand President L. B. Crook and President-elect Frank Egan of Oroville marched in front and led the way, accompanied by the standard-bearer.

  Red fire burned all along the line of march.  Every telephone pole had it's string of exploding firecrackers.  The streets were lined three deep with cheering people.  If President Wilson had come to Oroville he could not have received a warmer reception.

  We forgot the cold cars, we forgot our anger at being late, and remembered that we had come to the city of brother Clampers and that they were giving us a real old time California welcome.  We marched through several streets and along the line of march we were received with cheers.  Then we knew we were home and that Oroville and Marysville in the future would be twin cities cemented by the Clamper bonds.  We entered the large exposition hall for the installation of Oroville Lodge No. 2,  First Installing Officer Edward

   Lewis formed a nominating committee of the Oroville Clampers.  They gave him the list and Clampus Petrix Phil Divver and Clampus Vitus Dick Barrett escorted the new officers to their seats as their names were called.

  President Frank A. Egan was the first to be led to the alter of sacrifice.  His entrance was greeted with enthusiastic cheers.  He was evidently the right man for the place.  Then some "dirty" work was shown.  B. B. Meek wanted J. H. Dungan elected high priest.  Dungan said Meek should have the honor.  The others of the mother lodge look the candidates over.  Dungan was tall and thin.  So was Meek.  But Meek had the highest altitude and more and more of a hop pole frame than Dungan.  He was unanimously chosen.  Again, the crowd went wild.  Meek was deservedly popular. 

  George Jones was elected Clampus Vitus and W. W. Gingles, Royal Platrix.  J. C. Dooley was elected financial secretary and treasurer and made a Knight of the Golden Gourds, besides being awarded a silver sword for his office. 

  William Penhallegon was elected recording secretary.  Dr. W. F. Gates Reviving Surgeon.  Charles P. Belding, Clampus Petrix, R. C. Tyler, Clampus Vitrix, C. F. Huntington, outside doorkeeper and R. P. McCune, inside doorkeeper.

Then the officers were escorted to their seats and the charge given them by Installing Officer, Lewis.

  Brother, Sam Harrington was then called upon by Grand President Crook to present a set of colors to Oroville Lodge No 2 for it's altar.  The colors were an American flag and a Bear flag.

  Now, Brother Harrington is an old sailor and when he commenced to talk Star Spangled Banner, he had that crowd right off their feet, cheering all the time.  It was a short speech but every word had a kick, and afterward the Oroville officers declared they'd never heard a better patriotic talk even from a professional spellbinder.

  Then the Grand Lodge took charge and closed the meeting Grand President Crook, Guardian of the Dead.  Waldo Johnson, Master of Arms, Art Brannan and four pall bearers took part in the impressive closing ceremony.  By the aid of the Clampers magic button, the "corpse" was brought to life, and after examination by Grand Surgeon William Giunan and Surgeon Gates, a spark of life was found and the dead one was declared "in."

  After the closing ceremonies, the Marysville and Oroville Clampers fraternized over a splendid lunch furnished by Lodge No 2 and when the Grand Lodge went to the train, it was accompanied by the new brothers and sent on it's way with cheers.

  The Clampers' official band was voted by Oroville Lodge to be the band in it's part of the state, and the band was given a vote of thanks by President Egan for the Clamper like spirit in accompanying the Grand Lodge to Oroville.